Have your initiatives been getting slow-rolled? Stop trying to "push the chain" of resistance. That's putting energy into the wrong place; in fact, you are probably doing most things right - following most of the industry best practices; but if your projects, programs, initiatives, and strategies don't deliver the level of success you would like (if they fade away), it is because of entrenched resistance. It might be time to talk to an expert. Bring us in for a capabilities briefing. That's a no-risk first step to determine if we can help each other.
New initiatives require change and that impacts employees. If they don't embrace the new way of working, the initiative will fail. (Strategic leaders are too busy to ramrod the change top-down.) Therefore, it is vital that change solutions be built-in to each new initiative, program, or project so the change "sticks". Building-in the change support means groups own the solution and naturally adapt, adopt, and use it - thriving and remaining effective. This is front-loaded change management (similar to Design for X, this is Change for X).
We are most interested in getting a group of individuals on the same page or building-in change management for a specific project, program, or initiative to ensure success. (In this way we are analogous to Navy Seals - precision in & out with amazing results). However, if you need to build a whole organizational development enterprise at all levels in a very systematic way (this is analogous to an occupation force inserted to rebuild a country's infrastructure), we are not the firm you want for that. But we can recommend a company who is experienced at that.
By using basic innovation tools to invent the strategy AND align the affected people and systems / processes to the change, adoption happens quickly and even enthusiastically. Synergistic solutions are self-reinforcing.
If you have a high-value, critical path initiative, we can help you build-in your change management components to deliver sustainable results. If you are 45-60 days prior to launch, call us in immediately to assess your change readiness and help identify hidden pockets of resistance that could torpedo your success. I just want to reach out and connect with you to see if there is anything we can support you with - even from just a sounding board perspective if you have questions about timing and how much runway you need to build into your projects some change management - if you are looking for some quick wins and you want to get it in before year's end.
Innovation-Based Change Management
Urgent, proactive change management for a high-value or critical initiative, program, or project (likely to hit resistance or technical issues). Best 45-60 days ahead of deadline.
Strategy Day
Our expert(s) spend one day with your strategic leadership involved in the launch or issue to figure out what your strategic executive plan is going to be.More of What You Want & Less of What You Don't Want
Proactive change strategies can be defined as eliminating trade-offs. (Although it seems impossible at first, game-changing mindsets create inventive solutions.) One critical example: when the solution & the problem are correlated in unique ways, the problem definition is flexible, too. Therefore, many entrenched objections can be overcome and highly-ideal solutions achieved. Big real-world results from a little shift in perspective.Finger-Pointing, Uneven Performance, Factions at Odds
Is your corporate culture going to be beneficial during change or are hidden traps and resistance going to stagnate efforts? One secret is to check if there is are certain patterns of issues that indicate tripwires: cultural "irritability", complex challenges, and heated dissension among groups. Resistance to change will grow without proper alignment.Assessment
We walk around and observe the pre-launch conditions, processes & teams. This is a discovery step with some problem-solving along the way and then our expert(s) will provide you outside feedback on what we observed and where we see opportunities for proactive improvements.3 Critical Requirements to Resolving Change Issues
The 3 absolutely key prerequisites to overcome change issues: be willing to believe an ideal solution is possible, state the problem and your ideal solution as a working/correlated pair, and use structured problem-solving. The most difficult of these is acting as if an “ideal” solution is possible. Get on the bat-phone with us when you have a mission critical, urgent issue that seems impossible. That’s our superpower.Observable Behavior
The message you say or, even worse, send will have far, far less impact than the actions others see: immediately around them. And those messages you send won't have staying power either. But you can build in your priorities to the very foundations of actions throughout your business.
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The Best Talent to Have on the Team
You know that person that always points out a flaw once everyone is in agreement. That's the one person you must have on your team...
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Case Study
One client had a contentious relationship with an important vendor who flatly refused to consider any changes to their product and there were also governmental regulations that constrained the situation. It was costing the company millions and made new competitive improvements impossible.
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"I didn't want to do this; my boss made me. But now, I want to work like this from now on!"
~ Engineer, 40 years on the job @ Chysler, regarding a change project he was part of
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